One thing that's CRYSTAL CLEAR is that ignoring myself as I have since my family relocated to Texas in 2013, was a pretty dumb arse idea. I've got so many appointments set up its both ridiculous AND a damn shame because I should know better. But enough about that, I'd like to share some of my success on my path to being in my best shape ever!!
First. I've lost 5 of the 10 pounds that made me overweight and here's how I've done that. First, I don't eat anything other than a granola bar after 6PM at night. And I've stopped eating doughnuts in the middle of the night too! (I have NO IDEA how THAT became a habit, lol!!). I also only eat two true "meals" a day, a meal consisting of a meat (usually chicken), a starch (usually boiled red potatoes) and LOTS of veggies. My third/last meal is often just a serving of meat and LOTS of veggies. I also stopped adding salt to my food, the exception being that I now only lightly season the baked chicken I eat with garlic salt and a seasoning salt (I prefer the ones from Whole Foods). Speaking of granola bars, that's my new "go to" snack instead of the chocolate iced cake doughnuts from my favorite bakery. I DO however have one every Friday, 'cause I just gotta have it!! I've never really been a fried foods person so I didn't need to make any drastic changes there. But I did need to add more veges to my spaghetti, replacing some of the low fat hamburger I was getting a tad bit carried away with.
As for exercise, I've started playing tennis 2X/week and I'm running longer on the days I don't play. I continue to park far away in parking lots because I believe that evey little bit helps. And my knees are hurting less and less every day since I've also added some light weight lifting to my fitness regime. In other words, I ain't playing with this get back into great shape kick I'm on because I realize that if I'm serious about attending med school at my age, my body needs to reflect that!!! The fact that I need to get healthy for health reasons is just icing on the "get my butt in gear" cake!! :)
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