"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones."
This is one of my absolute FAVORITE biblical scripturse, not that I follow it the way I should. But I KNOW that I should especially when it comes to career planning.
So I haven't heard back from the gig I interviewed for last Thursday and I'm well with that because today I had one of the best days I've had so far in my current gig. And THAT my dear readers makes me a "career schizo", LOL!!!
However, when one of the most powerful Pathologists in your town asks to see you, you don't hesitate to make that happen. By ANY means necessary becasue you KNOW it "means" something. And when you learn she heard about you from the "sister friends" with expertise in Pathology that you indirectly work with in your current gig, it kinda makes you wonder why you EVER considered leaving in the first place. Because "sista' friends" in positions of power IN Pathology are RARE. Especially at research institutions.
Oprah Winfrey says that when you have doubt about ANYTHING in your life, it means to keep still and wait on God to show you the way. But patience has NEVER been a virute of mine though I try real hard to work on it. And sometimes life makes me work on it. Like now.
Anyhoo, I got the tuition remission thing worked out with my HR department TODAY, folks need not start trippin' about my benefits, 'cause I WILL follow up on that EVERYTIME!!!!
I also learned that I can get a Health Informatics Doctorate part-time too and that was probably the BEST news of all. Ironically, it's at a school that recruited me to apply to their med school years ago, but I'm really not focused on med school matriculation right now. That is until I go to work tomorrow and sit in on sign out with my old mentor Pathologist.
At any rate, I realize that with an empty nest coming fast, I need to be working on a Doctorate of some sort really soon too. Because time and opportunity waits for NO ONE and quite frankly, it's WAY PAST TIME!!!
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