Starting this Fall semester, getting into med school will be my PRIMARY objective. Not research gigs, or even clinical research gigs, just getting into med school. So my first step was to resign from my clinical research gig because while I was only being paid for 40 hours, I was expected to work 50+ hours on an inflexible 8-5:30 when you MUST be here, strict schedule. Of course, I knew this gig would be "problematic" from the jump because my too small Kmart
Now I know I said before I wouldn't speak negativity on my blog, but this just couldn't be helped this time, LOL!!! And it's well with me because I NEVER resigned from my teaching gig which should have in itself, been a "sign". Having the "Fly Doc" (who warned me about this gig and my little dude supv in particular) be replaced with "Mr. soft major in a too small Kmart suit" should have been a second sign, and it was. And that's why I hung onto my teaching gig, so when the kids return to school in August, I will too!! I'm also looking at an Adjunct teaching gig at the university level as well as tutoring over the next school year, a couple premed students too. Truth be told, I really missed having a flexible schedule at this point in my life, and working overtime for a micromanaging incompetent wasn't going to get me to my goal.
However, the two most important things I'm going to do this fall is volunteer at a hospital (the one I just resigned from, haha) and study for the MCAT. There's also a couple 5 year premed/med programs in the state that I have my eye on, and with the 3 additional med schools opening in Texas, moving here was by far a super great idea for my family and me! The fact that we love living here (minus the devil's anus heat) and are around the nicest people I've ever met, I couldn't be any happier than I am now about the future! Except if I were also IN Med school! ;)
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