Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Quick update from superwoman aka Path2012

So tomorrow, I'm flying out to my new city to take care of a couple things: 1) Finding a new home because doing so long distance isn't working as well as it did when I moved to Metro DC 13 years ago, 2) Meeting with one of my 3 new long term tutoring clients, and 3) Attending the wedding of very close cousin of mine whose Mom is one of my favorite Aunts and my daughter's absolute favorite Aunt.

Now if anyone has been reading my blog for a while you know that I'm not the best "flyer" in the world, but I've long since recognized that it's something I need to get used to. REAL quick. But tonight, I'm relatively cool thanks to a glass of my favorite Riesling. Of course the problem is that I won't be having one of those before my 6:30AM flight so I'll have to rely on prayer and thoughts of my glass of Riesling from the night before.

At any rate, my posting won't be as regular over the next few weeks as I prepare for the final leg of my vacation, including going back and forth to my Moms. But as soon as we settle down in our new city, I'll be sure to update!

In the meantime, I hope everyone has a VERY safe holiday weekend. :)

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