Saturday, October 31, 2015

What do YOU need?

I just LOVE the song by Justin Bieber "What Do You Mean" and found out from my kid that what I thought he was saying "need" was actually "mean".  But I thought it would make a good post topic anyway, so here's my list in no specific order. What do I need?

1) A 4 day vacation to a Caribbean island, STAT!!!

2) Another cat, I really miss having 2 balls of fury love!

*nosy cat chasing birds from inside

3) A chef for a month, the thrill of eating out has LONG gone (especially in Texas where they give you 3X the "normal" amount of food) and cooking everyday is starting to get old! AND tiring!!

4) A sports car, now that I haven't been a "tennis Mom" in almost 3 years, I'd like to trade in my SUV for a car "on fleek" for the next few years, LOL!!

5) Some clarity now that I've been accepted to a PhD program in Biomedical Informatics. I actually didn't see this one coming!!

6) Relating to #5, a PhD sounds "stronger" than a Doctorate in Health Data Science so I need confirmation that my suspicions are true. Le sigh!

7) A "cuter" way to carry my books and laptop, I feel like an old bag lady with this thing.
*my uncool looking back saver

8) Some consistently cool weather for fall, temps in the 90's in October is just BAD!!!!! URGH!!!!!

9) The energy to keep going at full speed throughout the day, of course getting to bed before 12:00AM would certainly help.

10) To continue to be thankful for all that God has blessed me and my family with through tough times and good times! Life is TRULY a rollercoaster and I wouldn't have it any other way!! :)


  1. #1 and #10 are on my list as well! Guess I'll have to wait on that first one though! lol

    1. We've set a date of next summer for our trip, and I can't wait!!!!
