Monday, March 25, 2013

Running from the scope, again!!

So I had an informational interview for a bioinformatics gig with a company today of which, 75% consisted of the questions were about my experiences in Pathology. P.A.T.H.O.L.O.G.Y. YEP! So what's an informational interview? It's my term for an interview where you submit an application, something or someone scans/reads it, then the company sends you a link to questions to fill out to see if they want to interview you further.

And that was ironic, because I did a couple virtual "unknowns" on the Hopkins Pathology unknown website eariler in the day. Then that was followed about an article about the new malpractice rules for Hospitalists on MedScape:

Rut roh! I kinda' got that "yikes, patient care is a mess" crook in my neck again and realized that things seem to be getting worse over time in patient care.

Anyhoo, things seem to be leaning in the Bioinformatics direction again which is good, with my tutoring maintaing at a steady pace too. Overall, I can't complain! :)

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